Behold Grenell the Magnificent!
Richard Grenell is turning out to be the man that a lot of conservatives didn’t know we needed until he showed up.
These are heady political times, to be sure. There is a virus running amok and killing people, although — much to the chagrin of most liberals — not as many as originally predicted.
While we have been preoccupied with all things coronavirus another drama has been unfolding here in the good old U-S-of-A. It would appear that the previous president of this great land decided to try and undermine the presidential election that was supposed to cement his legacy on the off chance that it didn’t go his way.
All the while Hillary Clinton was burping up box chardonnay and warning people that the Republicans were going to dismiss the results of the election the Democrats were working on a way to do just that.
Conservatives have long maintained that everything — even the most peripheral things — pertaining to the Russian collusion story and the takedown of retired Gen. Michael Flynn stinks more than a little bit.

(Michael Flynn, AP Images.)
For the longest time, most of the evidence that would have clarified either situation was kept tucked away in various places by Deep State bureaucrats. I’ve hesitated to use the phrase “Deep State” until now but the last few weeks of watching the Main Stream Media monster almost have me reconsidering Alex Jones.
We on the Right have been waiting for clarification on just what might have happened with the Obama administration as it left Hope and Change Land. The odds that the malignant narcissist would go quietly weren’t good. Much of the truth remained hidden until acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell stormed in and threw sunshine on everything.
Grenell exposed everyone in the Obama administration who was involved in the “unmasking” of Flynn. It was a brilliant move, giving a boost to the president while the mainstream media hacks continued to be disingenuous about his handling of the coronavirus crisis.
Grenell ain’t playing. It’s a thing of beauty the way he’s handling the Left.
Not all heroes wear capes.
Did Anyone With Taste Buds Ever Ask for This?
Nostalgic for airline food? Now you can get it delivered to your door
— New York Post (@nypost) May 14, 2020
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Bee Me
CNN Replaces President Trump's Press Briefings With President Xi's
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 14, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— Archillect (@archillect) May 14, 2020
I do like to mix it up.
We’re gonna win big.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear every Tuesday and Friday.
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